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Dr. Gregory Alan Bolcer 

I grew up and live in Orange County, CA with my wife and two kids.  We are currently residents of Yorba Linda.

 About Me

I currently am the CTO of a big data analytics company Bitvore Corp. headquartered in Irvine. 

In 2009 I founded a company called Kerosene and a Match (KaaM).  KaaM's mission was to build Web search and indexing tools for rich multimedia by leveraging the massively parallel, low cost computing power of commodity graphics processors (GPGPU) to build ultra-high performance cloud computing platforms.

Previously I was the VP of Engineering for High Tower software.  Before that, I was the Chief Software Architect and Founder of Encryptanet, Inc., a high-tech software company building secure access solutions for premium content using digital certificates. While there, I built and launched a Publishing 2.0 platform that integrated Paypal micropayments with automated access.  The company received funding from Sevin Rosen, Palomar Ventures, and private investors.

My first startup company was Endeavors Technology, Inc. which I sold to a UK-listed company in early 2000.

Kris and I were married November of that same year in the Presidential rose garden at the Nixon Library and Birthplace in front of a multitude of friends and family.

I spent all of my adult and professional career in Information and Computer Sciences. My doctorate and bachelor's degrees are from the school of Information & Computer Science at UC Irvine.   In 2004 I was awarded the Lauds & Laurel's Distinguished Alumnus Award for the Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Science.

I also have a M.S. degree in Software Engineering from U.S.C. My family is particularly proud of this as they are such strong supporters of their academic and sports programs.

Bolcer UCI-ICS Hall of Fame story

2020 UCI-ICS Hall of Fame.

AI Search Engine for financially relevant results. Forbes on Bitvore AI Search.

Top 10 crowdfunded projects to date: Bitvore is 3 places above Oculus Rift.

VentureBeat calls Bitvore IFTTT on Steroids

Kerosene and a Match in Forbes: The Ultimate in Search

Forbes' America's Most Promising Technology Company of 2009: KaaM #2

Tales from the parallel Garage

See what you've been searching for

Paycloud's publishing 2.0 platform for newspapers.

AJAX and JBoss SEAM 10 years before their time: Floor Wax and Dessert Topping.

Before there were RESTful architectures, there were principles of scalable Web architectures: Cacm98

Pub-Sub notifications through HTTP method extensions: Archived

How to contact us: greg at bolcer dot org, kris at ICS dot UCI dot EDU